OneLink is a service provided by Woden Community Service.
how we work

How We Work

Service Expectations

OneLink is committed to working with you to meet your needs through providing information and connecting you to services in a way that recognises and builds on your current knowledge, skills and resources.
This is what you can expect from us – we will:

  • treat you in a non-judgmental manner with dignity and respect
  • provide flexible, responsive and efficient services that are based on your needs
  • provide you with up to date information on supports and services available within the community
  • protect the confidentiality of your personal information, only sharing information with your consent – and you can choose to withdraw consent at anytime (Privacy Policy)
  • give you access to your personal information on request
  • actively involve you in decision making and planning processes regarding services you may need or receive
  • encourage you to provide feedback – negative or positive – on the services you access and treat you fairly, promptly and without reprisal for doing so. (Feedback and Complaints)

While working with OneLink you:

  • can involve a friend, advocate or interpreter if you wish
  • have access to OneLink policies and procedures, such as user rights and grievance resolution procedures.

This is what we expect from our clients, We expect that you will:

  • treat OneLink staff with dignity and respect
  • provide OneLink with all the information necessary to arrange services that are responsive and suitable to your needs
  • provide OneLink with up to date contact information
  • honour any commitments entered into as part of a service arrangement
  • voice any complaints or concerns as they arise so we can deal with the matter (Feedback and Complaints)
  • respond to our attempts to contact you and play your part in assisting us to provide services to you.

Privacy and Confidentiality

OneLink is committed to providing high quality services with respect to confidentiality, accessibility and equity for all persons in the community. (Privacy Policy)


OneLink data reporting
OneLink has been working with the ACT Government to develop a reporting framework, covering the wide range of activities and information collected. In the first year of operations, OneLink has refined the primary database used to collect information, and is now looking at how best to present the information available, both to show the activity of OneLink and also to show the demand for and connections to services in the ACT.
The reports provided here are prepared with in conjunction with Housing ACT, as a regular quarterly report to both the sector and the government.  This report will continue to be refined with input from stakeholders.
Note that OneLink has a different service model to the services that preceded it: First Point (for housing and homelessness services) and the Child, Youth and Family Gateway. Thus, the data provided in the report is not directly comparable to previous reports produced by these services. The scope of OneLink is greater than the previous two services, potentially covering all human services within the ACT, a focus on housing and homelessness services, including emergency accommodation and tenancy support, and child, youth and family services. Clients with OneLink may present with more than one need for service, and each need for service is prioritised, rather than the client allocated to priority A, B, C or D according to housing and support needs, as was the case for First Point. Where there is no vacancy available in a suitable service at the time of contact, OneLink stays in touch, generally weekly, with clients, as long as they are still seeking a service available in the ACT.