OneLink is a service provided by Woden Community Service.
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Agency Referrals to OneLink

OneLink provides information and connections for support services in the ACT.

OneLink seeks to reduce the number of organisations involved in the lives of people facing difficulties by having a single entry point and people only telling their story once to access the services they require without having to navigate the service on their own. Such an approach requires that all parts of the service system work together to achieve optimal outcomes for people, minimise duplication of effort and create efficiencies for resource stretched agencies.

Agencies can provide information to people through the brochure. If you would like OneLink brochures, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

OneLink Brochure

How to refer

OneLink will take referrals to and from any agency or organisation providing support to people in the ACT. Agencies should complete the OneLink Referral Intake Form with as much information as they already have about the person or family they are referring. OneLink intake officers will then follow up with the agency or person/family (depending on the situation) to obtain any additional information needed and discuss service options. This is designed to reduce the need for people to repeat their stories to multiple services.

OneLink Referral Intake Form

Agencies can email forms to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or fax to 6285 1322, marking attention to OneLink. Where available, agencies should send any written consent to exchange information.

If the matter is urgent, please also call OneLink on 1800 176 468.

Agencies can also call OneLink with general questions about services available and whether a referral to OneLink may assist in a particular situation.

What to expect

Assessment and response: Though liaising with the referrer and the person/family, OneLink staff will determine how best to respond to the issues and needs identified. In some cases, this may be through the provision of information. At other times, OneLink will directly connect people and families to other services, including outreach support or emergency accommodation.

OneLink will acknowledge all referrals within one business day.

Updates and prioritisation: Where a service is not available at the time of referral, OneLink will stay in touch at least weekly with any updates and to ensure that OneLink has current information for prioritisation when vacancies become available. If a support agency is assisting, this liaison would generally be with the agency rather than direct with the client. OneLink will also consider whether any other assistance is required while a client is waiting for a vacancy.

Feedback: OneLink always encourages feedback, so we can keep improving our service. Agencies or clients can provide feedback in writing, on the phone or via the internet. See the page Feedback and Complaints page (Feedback and Complaints) for more information.

Confidentiality: OneLink respects the confidentiality of all information provided. For more information see (Privacy Policy)